The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully


      The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully which returned to offline for the first time after three years.Everyone is interested in it,with the enthusiasm to reunite for more than a year, buyers and exhibitors made a lot of transactions at this Canton Fair, many companies returned with large order and come back with fruitful results.

      As the 'barometer' and 'weathervane' of China's foreign trade,the active exchanges and cooperation at Canton Fair will inject strong momentum into China's foreign trade growth. Simultaneously,the Canton Fair provides an important platform for enterprises to receive orders and brand promotion, and also provides a 'timely rain' for purchasers to replenish goods, and provides a 'reassurance' for the stability of the global supply chain and industrial chain.

The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully


      The 130th China Import and Export Fair has a strong radiation and influence, promotes trade exchanges and friendly exchanges between China and other countries in the world.The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attach great importance to it. Chairman Xi Jinping specially sent a congratulatory letter. Premier Li Keqiang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech.The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully

      While the global epidemic is still spreading,the 130th China Import and Export Fair adopted the mode of online and offline integration exhibition,many exhibitors who couldn’t come to the scene also feel full of participation.Some people said”We feel the same attentive service in this Canton Fair although I am participating in the online exhibition.Compared with previous sessions, this session of the Canton Fair has optimized many details displayed on the ‘cloud’ side, such as adding product details videos, detailed pictures, to facilitate companies to better display products. 'Thanks to this, many companies have gained many prospective customers and opened up new markets during the 130th Canton Fair.


       Gospell overcome all the difficulties in the way(Health self-examination for 14 days, nucleic acid test for 48 hours, vaccination 15 days in advance and so on.)and carrying products actively participated in this grand online and offline exhibition.

      In this Canton Fair,Gospell mainly three product lines of Home Smart Cameras, Package Monitors and Industrial Endoscopes,with a simple and generous style, a series of new products also attracted a large number of onlookers during the exhibition, and buyers from all over the country came one after another.It was very lively for a while, as if the exhibition was never interrupted, and the epidemic did not cut off our contact. Everything was so familiar:familiar consultation voices, familiar single calls, familiar people coming and going...The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully

      Online exhibitions are not inferior which uses a virtual exhibition hall to build a draft,the salesmen are talking in front of the green screen, and what we see in the live broadcast room are vivid product display pictures,beautiful and handsome business people, which bring us one after another wonderful live broadcasts, let us Immerse in their professional spoken language, solid professional technical explanation and demonstration...

The five-day 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended successfully

      Although the 130th China Import and Export Fair has ended, we are still reminiscing about the online exhibition and the lively offline exhibition, the cute appearance of the baby suit series, and the high-tech AI smart home monitoring. Reflecting the ingenious and new style of tool endoscopes, a dazzling array of products, full of technical staff’s hard work, and sales staff’s hard sales, detailed introduction.We will have more new products in the future, more mature technology, more professional sales, build a better  Gospell together. To serve the public with technology and become a leading enterprise in the electronic information industry, Gospell has been on the way!